

Important information

There is a possibility to book our house All year-round.

At the time of booking you agree with all notifications, conditions and terms, which you can read

Please note, that the reservation fee is 50 % of the total price.

Click on the days, that you wish to book - green colour. After sending this request the colour will change to yellow - pre-booked. After money transfer is the house booked - red colour.

Account number and code of our Bank: 5518968369/0800

IBAN: CZ28 0800 0000 0055 1896 8369

Payment is only possible as money transfer or paying with Cash (CZK or EURO). We do not accept Credit Card Payment!

Minimum stay 2 nights/ in the Saison 3 nights
Capacity of the house 10 persons 
Please note, ONLY the whole house is for rental!



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*is required

Check-in: 3 PM - 6 PM

Check-out: 8 AM - 11 AM

(if other check-in or check-out time is needed, make a note under comments)

   Kopec 82, CZ-742 66 Štramberk

   Czech Republic

   +420 604 548 750
